Friday, June 17, 2011

double-decker leftovers

That is a lot of leftovers.  Unless Mister goes on some kind of pasta binge tomorrow/this weekend, I will bet we're still wading through these a week from now.  You know a dish yields a lot when you can portion out some above-average dinner portions and still have so many leftovers that one of your biggest containers won't hold it all, so you have to get a second container to fit them all and you're still smushing the lids on.

It started out simply enough, with a wish for Tuscany and a willingness to "settle" for Montepulciano and mixed olives, alongside homemade (albeit primarily canned) Italian dinner.

There's something so heart-warmingly rustic about a pot of white beans simmering with crushed tomatoes, garlic, and marjoram.  My mouth is watering just looking at that.  Also, I anticipate a similar picture later next week (menu foreshadowing, anyone?) and I'm already excited about it.  And yes, for reasons that will be revealed when I unveil the new menu, I do already have next week's menu planned.

Anyway, tonight was the magical night that I reprised Clara's Pasta e Fagioli from The Urban Vegan.  I neglected to add a cup of broth and I'm wondering if that's why it wasn't as flavorful as I remembered it.  Either way, it was still good.  The main reason Isa's recipe surpassed this one as my favorite is due primarily to the fact that the recipe in Veganomicon actually involves dicing my own fresh tomatoes.

But dear Lord, it sure does make enough to feed a Greek family.  And I mean the whole family.  And still send them home with leftovers, probably.  Good to know for future cooking events...

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