I knew Mister doesn't like yams/sweet potatoes, but apparently he hates brussels sprouts "more than anything else in the world," to use his words. I feel a little guilty that our home reeks of them right now, but it's way too cold to open a window. I had never had them before - I think my mother knew better than to try to convince my sister and I that they were worth eating. Or perhaps she joins my husband in anti-fandom, but either way, tonight was my first experience with them. I decided to try to appreciate them in their purest form (short of being raw) so I just tossed them and the yam bits with some olive oil and kosher salt and roasted them for about 20 minutes at 425 F.
I'll admit that when they were sizzling away in the oven, I was growing a little concerned about the less-than-appetizing smell emanating from the kitchen. It was with more than just a touch of trepidation that I bit into my first little sprout. Fortunately, from my reading about these tiny little cabbages, I was fully expecting the green, cabbagey taste that quickly filled my mouth. I think that because I was prepared, so to speak, my experience was better than it might have been otherwise. I like them! Especially the crispy bits where they tried to forge a forever-friendship with the roasting pan.
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