Monday, March 1, 2010

no one to blame but yourself

I can't even count how many times I've made my menu selections from Vegetarian Times Fast & Easy and completely skipped over the Spicy Stir-Fry with Clementines, Asparagus, and Tofu, quite on purpose, I'll add. It's not like I just didn't see it - no, no, I saw it, I looked at it, and I said, "That sounds like way too much effort - who wants to peel and segment three whole mini-oranges?"

Apparently, not the person who has no problem spending a half an hour cutting four bell peppers into paper-thin strips... Yet somehow, I managed to find the energy to peel those little clementines after a long, unwelcome Monday. It wasn't actually that difficult - a little aggravating and tedious, but not difficult.

So, now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long. Dinner was so good and we ate every last bite of orangey, tofuy, asparagusy goodness. The sauce was exceedingly tasty and easy to make - I would honestly be quite content to just eat tofu slathered in that. If I wasn't planning on constructing my next menu entirely from my new birthday cookbook, I would probably feel the need to add the Orange-Laquered Tofu from the same cookbook (VTF&E).

Also, feel free to notice the much better quality of this photograph than other recent food porn. It's amazing how the bathroom light burns out so Mister decides to replace every lightbulb in the apartment. That's okay - I like being able to see my food!

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