Friday, September 18, 2009

when the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie

I have cracked the code. An occurrence (and obstacle) Mister and I have observed over the past 7 years or so is this: If you have a group of people and you have several different kinds of pizza to feed those people, they will always take at least one slice of plain, cheese pizza. I'm pretty sure it's a courtesy or a way of sharing with their fellow pizza-eaters; if they take two pieces of buffalo chicken ranch pizza or hawaiian pineapple ham pizza or seven-meat-meat-lovers' pizza, they somehow do a disservice to someone else who might be similarly interested in that pizza. Also, because people are amused by unusual toppings, if there is [god forbid] a pizza covered with vegetables, it will be the first to disappear.

No one ever thinks about the people who can ONLY eat the plain cheese or weird veggie-topped pizza: vegetarians. So my husband and I find ourselves inevitably warring other pizza-eaters for more than one slice of pizza NOT covered with burnt pieces of animals.

But I have solved the mystery and I'm even more excited about that than I was about discovering an entire pizza that no one wanted but me. Today, to show their great appreciation for us recruiting, hiring, and training over 100 new agents at my workplace, a pizza party was thrown for all trainers, hiring managers, and recruiters. Conveniently, it took place right in the middle of our training day, so by the time my boss and I made it to the party we had to appreciate each other in a dark conference room with cold pizza, alone. Regardless, I had a whole pizza to myself (and no, I didn't eat the whole thing) because apparently no one wants a cheeseless pizza. Perfect! I do!

Tonight's dinner was Pasta with Beans and Chard. When I was shopping, I had the choice between plain old Swiss Chard, Red Chard, and Rainbow Chard.
Guess which one I chose...
It is seriously the coolest green I have ever played It was so vibrant and beautiful I couldn't help taking pictures before mutilating it - I knew it wouldn't be as pretty after a brief but wilting saute with garlic and tomatoes.

Once again, Vegan Express to the rescue - the recipe was easy, fast, and absolutely delicious.

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